About Me

I am currently a web developer at Studio Pogo on a work-study basis

I am also freelance so if you need a project contact me

about me

about meabout meabout meabout meabout meabout me

I first learned to code in 2020 because i was curious to know how games was made.

So i learned how to use unity and i made my first game using C#.

Then i wanted to learn more about web development so i learned HTML, CSS and Javascript.

At school, I learned how to use Vuejs and Nuxtjs which are now my favorites framework.

I learned also Reactjs and Nextjs in my free time.

At Studio Pogo, I am using often AstroJs and if I need to I install Reactjs or Vuejs on it.

Now, my biggest project I'm working on is a game engine made in C++.

Click hereĀ  if you want to check how it goes

about me

about meabout meabout meabout meabout meabout me